Personal Response On Edgar Allen Poe's The Bells

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After reading this poem for the second time I could tell that this was a time line of someone’s life, being narrated by the ‘king’ of the Ghouls or Satan. Poe’s plot is to vividly describe the four specific points in this person’s life. He does this by utilizing the various sounds of bells and giving them some human characteristics. Each individual sound of the bells express certain moods to coincide with what they mean; from birth, to marriage, to taking ill and finally to death. All descriptions were distinct in their meanings to me and communicated what they needed to mean. The first of the bells to sound are the ‘silver’ bells, suggesting the first stage in life. To me this signifies birth and how ecstatic one is by the birth of their child. I can remember how I felt after I delivered my children. I was so emotional I did not know if I should cry as I was still in pain or giggle like a little girl because I was so happy. Poe writes “In the icy air of night!” (I.5). He then goes on to say “All the heavens, seem to twinkle with crystalline delight.” (I.7). Seeming to suggest that down the line something devastating will take place. For now all is pristine and wholesome. At first look, I took this as a pleasant Christmas Eve with the snow frosting over from the lower than average temperatures. The cloudless sky allowing stars to look like they were winking. After reading more, I began to interpret this as the start of someone’s time on this earth. This is the shortest, and the most pleasurable stanza of the poem. It describes a time of rejoicing, “From the jingling and tinkling of the bells” (I.14). Now sounding are the ‘golden’ bells, ushering in the marriage of the main character. Described as what they are, wedding bells. This part tells that the person is so overwhelmed with happiness that you can actually see it in your mind's eye. Poe supports this by writing “What a gush of euphony voluminously wells!” (II.12), this brings to mind my wedding day. So blissful that everyone who approached me said how I glowed. At this stage you are setting out on your own, starting your future. It also creates a feeling of self-determination. The human characteristic, “How they ring out their delight!” (II.5) is used to clarify how joyous this part in life is.

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