How Physical Distance Affects Relationships

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Description of the issue- The physical distance between friends, family, or lovers, equals to the amount of strain that the relationship is put under. In a way, physical distance can directly affect the emotional bond between two people. For most people, miles between their loved ones and themselves would only become a problem if the traveling distance to see each other accumulated to hours. The key phrase in the last sentence would be ‘most people’. For me, something as trivial as a new conflicting schedule can cause a catalytic change in my friend group. After some analyzing, I’ve realized this is because I start too many relationships of circumstance. This type of relationship is formed because of life circumstances, typically these are people like classmates, coworkers, etc. (Beebe, Beebe, and Redmond, 2014, p.258). This type of flimsy reasoning for friendships has not only caused me to lose many friends, but to also have fluctuating social abilities. Being able to efficiently create relationships of choice is important, those types of …show more content… defines narcissism as a “…. mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance, a deep need for admiration and a lack of empathy for others.” One of the traits mentioned on the forum was the feeling of boredom after some time had passed in the relationship. It detailed feelings of loving the “chase” of starting a relationship, but after said friendship was procured, the narcissist would grow bored and move on. Narcissists are users. In fact, the author, who identifies by the screen name of Esquire, states “… a Narcissist will keep you as a friend so long as what you have to offer is important to his overall happiness.” Esquire’s post disturbed me, am I a narcissist? Do I use people until I can garner their full potential, then move

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