Personal Reflection On Plagiarism

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Reflection Paper
I was sanctioned for plagiarism in the final paper of the Regulatory Affairs course RA783. The plagiarism included using quotation and outside sources without citation and using a section of the previously completed assignment from a different class. Although without the intention of plagiarizing to complete the final paper, I hold 100% responsibility for breaking the student code of conduct at SDSU and for ignoring the rules on plagiarism. I could have prevented the violation by being disciplined to follow the rules, which would have helped me change my actions. I could also have prevented plagiarism by not harboring any attitude of getting lucky by hoping my actions would go undetected by the instructor because I will be caught. Lastly, I should have been completely honest and strive to write new content for each assignment regardless of the circumstances because plagiarism is the most serious violation.
My actions were inconsistent with the University’s expectation of me to seek truth and to develop for the good of society. My actions were also inconsistent with my intellectual and moral obligation to pursue my course of studies with honesty and integrity. Using reference without citation and previous work qualified as dishonesty and lack of integrity. Without citation, I was being dishonest by claiming that the information presented in the paper was my own and using previous work was violation of integrity. I should not yield to plagiarism, which made me liable to penalties in Title 5 of the California Coe of Regulations.
My career goal is to become an experienced and knowledgeable Regulatory Affairs professional in the medical device industry. The career involves helping companies develop safe and effecti...

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...ledge readily accessible by anyone. But that was not the case. A third tip is to always write the first draft of a paper without notes from reference material. This will help me think independently to create new and original content for the paper without relying more and more on the sources. Then after the first draft, pick out the references. This way the paper is completed by using references to support my own idea instead of writing the paper around the sources from the beginning. The fourth tip is not to procrastinate with writing assignments. Procrastination can be a main factor in encouraging students to take the short cut to finish the paper on time. When there is little time left before deadline, the idea of using other’s idea became very appealing, then one would start making ignorant excuses and to start self-justifying breaking the rules of plagiarism.

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