Personal Reflection On Aging

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During my time in this class I have experienced new things that I have never before been introduced to. The things I have learned while in this class is things I can use to help me understand in the future when I am aging what is going on around me. This whole service learning process really taught me a lot. Aging can affect an individual in so many ways. Physical changes may be things such as wrinkles, but aging can go way beyond that if you do not take care of your health. For example,while delivering food for meals on wheels for my service learning I saw that aging can affect your ability to walk, cook, and clean. Majority of the people I delivered to were bound to a wheelchair or walker. One of the most heartbreaking people I …show more content…

Agism is discriminating against someone of age. It could even be as simple and not inviting someone who is older to join in on an activity because they appear to be to old. Agism, like any other type of discrimination, can have a negative impact on the aging individual. Through my service learning I can proudly say I never saw any forms of agism happening around me, but I did see the lack of social support. My family is a very closely knit one. My grandmother has chose to age in place, so the duty of caregiver has been on my mom and aunt for years. My grandmother has always had a social net to fall back on. While I was delivering for meals on wheels I saw a lot of older adults who had no one to help them answer the door. It took most of the meals on wheel recipients several minutes to make it to the …show more content…

I have now realized how important it is to have social ties, I do not want to age without a network of people who are there to make the process enjoyable. I also learned to age properly I need to stay active and eat as healthy as I can. I enjoyed this assignment because of my independent hours I was able to talk to my family members about their aging process and what they were feeling while going through it. This service learning also showed me I do not want to age in place if I am not well enough to provide and take care of myself. In conclusion, I really enjoyed this service learning

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