Personal Quality Of Myself Essay

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A personal quality i have is the ability to improve myself whether it’s my tactics, attitude, point of view, behavior, skills, understanding. I struggle communicating the way I feel. I don’t know how to put it into words all the time. Another great quality I have is I love people I have so much love for everything I just want to help others it makes me feel good. SO back to the fact that I have a hard time describing my thoughts with words, I’m a visual learner. I’m great at communicating feelings and emotions using my body and my artistic abilities. I love studying different things I think that’s one of my biggest strengths as an actor, is that I love love love studying people and the way their minds work. It gets me excited. zI find it so fun improving myself. …show more content…

I was motivated to become the person I aspired to be. I wanted to be unique and I alrweady am. I started watching youtube videos on self-love and charisma. I did a lot of researdch on how to get your friedns to miss you which was not what I needed to be focused on and i came across an article on self-love it talke about living for yourself and becoming self reliant to not wporry about what will satisfy oitehrs this article was eye-opening. I learned about the Law of Attraction on youtube and Charisma from the youtube channels YOuarecreators and Charismaoncommand and I leaarned so much. I have a love of learning. In these videos I was learning exercises that helped me build my condifence they taught me that I deserve to be happy taht I’mm worth it. I isolated myself a lot espeicially with my friedns when we were together hanging out I would wlk off somewhere to think because I would get a lot of anxiety from a strong painful feeling from feeling lonely and unloved. This rubbed of the wrong way on friends but at the time I didnt care. I learned self-love and when I went to NOrthwestern for anacting program that changed my life, people said I changed their lives, that I’m

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