Personal Philosophy Of Education Essay

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Personal Philosophy of Education and their Effects on Learning
Kate E. Barron
Austin Peay State University

Authors Note
Kate E. Barron, College of Education, Austin Peay State University
This research was conducted through Austin Peay State University for edTPA
12315 Oil Field Lane, Arlington, TN 38002

Personal Philosophy of Education and their Effects on Learning When it comes to teaching, there are five different philosophies that teachers follow: essentialism, perennialism, progressivism, social reconstruction, or existentialism. For this paper, these philosophies are identified as if in an elementary school setting. Each philosophy specifies an approach that is catered to the different strategies …show more content…

Existentialism is part of my philosophy because the student is the main focus in the classroom. The more confident students are with the teacher, the more confident they can be with themselves. (add more here)

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