Personal Nursing School Development

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In this journal, I am going to discuss my personal nursing school development and significant milestones. I will also highlight specific experiences that have created a foundation of nursing skills to help guide me in future nursing. Lastly, this journal will elaborate on my dedication to self-care and future goals. At the beginning of my nursing school journey, I remember feeling overwhelmed and confused on all aspects of healthcare. My knowledge of diagnosis’s, procedures, interventions, critical thinking, reflection, observations, and results obtained was extremely minimal. By having no previous medical experience under my belt, it was slower for me to grasp concepts and understand medical interventions. When I started nursing school, …show more content…

I had little knowledge of what a nurse’s job entailed only what I was exposed to on current television series. Nurses were ones who obeyed all doctors’ orders without questioning intentions or collaborating on patient conditions. As a new student, I was completely naïve in every aspect of the nursing practice including the role of a nurse. As I experienced clinical rotations for the first time, it opened my eyes to a nurse’s role in the healthcare profession. Looking back at my personal and professional growth, I have seen a vast difference at the beginning of nursing school to now as an almost graduate. Reflecting on my nursing development now, I believe I have enhanced my clinical foundation through several clinical experiences as well as academic challenges. For example, during clinical rotation senior year, a patient was admitted to the emergency room with abdominal pain in the right lower quadrant and nausea. The patient came back to the …show more content…

At the beginning nursing program, I would not have recognized symptoms, reflected on past experiences, make suggestions relevant to patient diagnosis, and priorities patient interventions efficiently. With clinical experience, I have built a great foundation to begin my nursing career. Another experience which shaped my development was when I had a patient in the emergency department diagnosed with trauma to the finger and methamphetamine overdose. This patient tripped over own pants onto a running table saw and sliced half his finger off. The patient was jittery, chatty, and full of energy. While the doctor was suturing his finger, the patient had increased anxiety, blood pressure, and was unable to keep hand still. To help the client relax, I sat down on the side of the bed away from the affected hand and asked questions about his life. The patient-focused my interaction and questions and the doctor were able to finish the procedure. This situation increased my knowledge on therapeutic communication, comforting patients, and interventions with overdose patients. Overall, many clinical experiences have helped me form a foundation for my future nursing

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