Melissa's Cancer

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“Your child has cancer.” This is the sentence that changed Melissa’s life forever, she was just ten years old. Melissa was diagnosed with Wilms’ Tumor, a common cancer found in children. The first thing the doctors did was take Melissa to surgery, but the tumor was to big to remove so they just did a biopsy. The results showed Melissa was already in stage IV. The tumor had started in her right kidney, until it burst the kidney, allowing it to spread to other organs. Melissa immediately started chemotherapy and radiation to try to shrink the tumor. The combination of the two treatments made Melissa vomit up to sixteen times a day! Melissa was diagnosed at the end of March and was in the hospital everyday until June. If she was ever able to go home she would be back in the hospital within 24 hours because of a fever. …show more content…

It was decided Melissa would continue with the chemotherapy. However, in October, the treatment turned extremely risky when she developed an infection in her central line. The doctors had to do and emergency bedside surgery to remove the line. Melissa completed her chemo regimen in December but the 10% of the tumor still remained. Doctors decided they would have to do surgery, despite how risky it was. On the morning of her surgery her family gathered in her room and prayed as they had been doing for many nights since her diagnosis. Doctors came into the room with her pre-surgery scan which showed a miracle had happened; the cancer had totally disappeared! Melissa no longer need the hazardous

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