Personal Narrative: Wyoming River Trips

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Imagine traveling in an eight seater SUV with your seven member family and all that luggage for twenty-five hours to the great state of Wyoming. The joy in that vehicle was through the roof, let me tell you. Everyone was all smiles and sunshine all the time! Not. These trips are always dreaded until we arrive at our destination and then once again when we have to leave and go home. My warm, fuzzy feelings for my family were not at an all-time high. On our first day in Cody, Wyoming, my parents decided to raise everyone’s morale with a seemly white water rafting trip. Let’s just say that trip did not have the intended outcome. We arrived at Wyoming River Trips early on a brisk morning to get geared up and briefed on some information we needed to know. The only other people on our full raft were an older father and son duo. Starting us off, our easy-going, college-aged, brown haired guide with a crooked smile told us that only three rafts had ever flipped in the forty years the rafting company had been open. This obviously eased everyone's worries as we all relaxed our stiff-backed postures by a smidgen. Off we go, with the older man on the raft telling jokes to my two younger sisters Rhylanne, age nine, and Elliana, age seven. The guide would spout off facts, as all guides do, to keep the trip …show more content…

They can come in moments of extreme duress or in an ordinary run-of-the-mill day. No matter when inspirations come to us, it is something that will remain with us long after they strike for sure. There could have been no better outcome for the situation my family was put in, besides maybe not being terrified of large bodies of water now. All jokes aside, I never really thought of how important any one individual is to my entire family’s dynamic and almost losing them put that into perspective in a horrifyingly real way. As Michael J. Fox said, “Family is not an important thing. It’s everything.” and I could not agree

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