Personal Narrative: Why I Get Another Dog

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I hurried to go get dressed because we were finally going to look at a dog. We might be getting another dog and I was really excited. My family wanted another dog because we had to put our other dog down a couple of months ago and our other dog was very sad and lonely. However, my parents were still unsure about the idea but my siblings and I really wanted another dog. My siblings and I kept on begging and begging for another dog in our family.
It seemed like it took forever to finally convince my parents to get another dog. I really wanted a dog and so did the rest of my siblings. In fact, we all begged and begged for another dog and we were really hoping we could convince our parents. On the other hand, my parents were unsure about the idea. …show more content…

My parents decided that if we were going to get another dog it would be a rescue because we wanted to help out a dog in need. Soon I realized, I needed reasons on why we should get another dog. I thought of a couple reasons instantly. One reason, was that our other dog Nala needed a friend because we just had to put our other dog down and she always seemed sad. She would be very happy if she had someone to play with. Another reason, is that dogs make humans happier and reduce their stress. My siblings had the same idea and soon all of us had ideas on why we should get another …show more content…

We couldn’t wait to finally meet the puppy. When we walked into the rescue, Daelyn’s litter were all in cages right in front and they were all so cute!! There was 8 puppies and they were a mixture between yellow, black, and chocolate labs.There was about 3 of each color. When we talked to the owner for a little bit we were able to finally play with the dog. We went outside to play with her because all of the other dogs were barking like crazy. When we took her outside she was very calm and mellow for a puppy. We let her wander around and just let her meet us. After about 10 minutes , we took her back inside and talked some more to the owner and found out that we could change her name. By the way, my mom was talking with the owner it sounded like we were getting a puppy and if we were sure we wanted her we could get her tomorrow!! On the way home, my mom said, “I’m pretty sure were sold!” I was very excited because we were getting a puppy!! On the way home, we discussed what we needed to get/get done by

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