Personal Narrative: What's My Heritage

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To be an American is a big thing, a thing highly sought after from people of many other kinds and walks of life. But what does it mean to be an American, what does it take? Do you need to be a specific color, or from a specific nationality? Does your father have to be in the military or does your mother have to sit at home and knit? What exactly is America built on what ways does it make so many other wish they had it? And what has shaped us to what we amount to today? “Oscar handlin has said “Once I thought to write a history of the immigrants in America. Then I discovered that immigrants were American history.”(Kennedy 23). Thats a big statement but is it true? Well before you sit down and start to pull and pry on the history of the nation through brain rocking books of time, you first need to just answer this simple question, what's my heritage… What's my best friends heritage... . Through this process you will find a blend of Irish German Italian or Polish and many more other countries. That provides one answer to the question, you can be of any nationality skin tone or sexuality to be an American it makes us more diverse and accepting. “This nation is founded on a conundrum, what Mario Cuomo has characterized as “community added to individualism””.(Quindlen 14). That quote is …show more content…

America has done what you would think to be impossible, like taking your beautiful like bunny and putting in a cage of hungry lions with

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