Personal Narrative: What I Learned In Summer School

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In the begging of my sophomore year I enrolled in English 10 with Ms. Scharns.
I was required to pass first semester with a D or higher but instead I failed. To be completely honest I was just very last first semester I rarely did any of my assignments that were assigned to me. I didn’t do any of me essays that were also a very big part of my grade. I being lazy cause me to be in summer school this year. I fill that maybe it wasn’t just my fault I mean it was the main reason behind it but it was also how boring the class was in a whole. I fill like maybe if she put in a little effort in at least trying to make the class a little fun I would have tried a little bit harder. The subject is already a boring topic but if you make it interesting and fun I could be the best class you have all year but it wasn’t that’s also another reason why I fill I failed her class and why I’m in summer school. …show more content…

Don’t get me wrong I love English I wish one day I could read and talk like writers and be able to understand want the deeper meaning of a book is. Not only that reading and writing is a big requirement in all jobs, to just be able to try out for a position you have to fill out a resume which kind of requires you to be able to read and write. To get into more detail about it if you want to be accept for that job you have to stand out and sound professional but if you write and speak like a raper you’re garneted to not going to get the job but if you sound like a college professor you have more of a

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