Personal Narrative: The Day I Almost Died

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The Day I Almost Died I remember this day distinctly. I pulled my hat over my eyes because the sun was shining extremely bright on this hot summer day. I looked over to my mom to tell her that the gas had run out of the lawnmower. She was trimming the extra leaves on the bushes. My mother loved taking care of the lawn. She couldn’t take the lawn looking neglectful. I loved that about my mom she didn’t care how old I was she only cared that I represent her and my dad and no one else. As I am walking to the garage of our brick townhouse to get the gas little did I know that this would be one of the momentous days of my life. I continued walking to the garage to get the gas. The way our houses our made in Cleveland is that the garage is separated …show more content…

She was a short, well-built woman. Standing by my mother my mom looked like she worked in the army with her built and height. “Which hospital would you like to go to” She asked my mom. “Cleveland Clinic there better at dealing with cuts.” She said as she continued applying pressure on the wound. Our neighbor immediately started driving off. It was about a five minute drive my head started feeling woozy so I’m not sure how long it took. Our neighbor dropped me and my mom at the door of the hospital. “ I hope he feels better soon.” She said and then sped off before I can say a thank you. We immediately started walking in the hospitals E.R. There were a lot of people but my didn’t care she walked right up to the line. “My son is losing blood I need a doctor.” She said “Now” if the receptionist didn’t hear her before she heard her then. My head felt like it weighed 100pounds and getting worse. The doctor sent for a nurse who put gauge and a bandage to stop the blood It was my first time seeing the cut it was very small. The nurse must have noticed because she said “ It hit an artery that why there was so much blood, if your mother didn’t do what she did you might now be here at this moment.” My mother was on the phone as I turned my head to look at her. She did all this for me. It was then I realized you cannot repay your mother no matter what you

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