Personal Narrative: The Consequences Of Divorce

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My anxiety came a few weeks after my parents divorced, not a great time, if it was up to me, I would prefer to forget about that time and the following couple of years, but I can't. I didn't understand everything, didn't see everything clearly. Being ten years of age and trying to figure out adult words, arguements, it can be quite challenging. Every divorces may cause a trauma to the children, some kids grow up faster, others rebel against everyone and everything. I was in the growing up too fast category. I had to take on responsibilities that weren't mine to take, I had to learn how to be a "mother" before I knew what junior high was all about. I've always told myself, there's always worse than yourself on this planet. Some don't get to sleep in a bed, others can't even find food or fresh water. Complaining about it all didn't seem right, but I was still affected by the consequence of the divorce. A couple months after my mother seperated my father, things turned into a living nightmare, my father isn't the best on the planet, sometimes I wish he wasn't my father, I actually don't even have contacts with him anymore, not that he tries anything or care about me either. My mother's divorce wasn't the cause, but the consequences following the processedure, my father's behavior made me have anxiety, panic attakcs. …show more content…

I felt my heart race, my breathing got unstady, almost out of breath, I fell down on the kitchen floor. My head was spinning like I was in a club, drunk. Couldn't get up, crying on my knees, not understanding what was going on with me. Since, then my anxiety has been coming and going as its pleases. I never wanted to take pill (medication), always afraid to get addicted to

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