Personal Narrative: The Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant

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It was the day that scared everyone around the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant. I recall that I was inside cuddling with Roman. Anna was working at the Chernobyl power Plant. The night was quiet and peaceful the only sounds coming from outside were crickets. The sounds of chirping crickets, oh how I adored that desynchronize melody. We lived in the town of Pripyat in Ukraine, once home to the families of the power plant’s workers, my home. The only home that I have ever known, loved, and deeply cherished. Little did we know we would have to leave everything life, memories, and friends. The officials said that everything would turn out okay, but it did not. We would never return. That day was engraved in my mind: everything went dark and then it all began. The sky was lit with fire and it was oddly satisfying, from what I have heard. Firefighters came to tame the beast. Nothing was working until others came to help. No one had …show more content…

Anna had not return and we were beginning to worry. The next day everyone continued their daily routine without a care in the world. Thirty hours later, no call and a plethora of buses were beginning to evacuate everyone out of the city. We had to gather our belongings and get inside the buses. Later it became known that the firefighter had all died due to a dangerously high amount of radiation. The disaster that had occurred was beginning to be recognized throughout the media. I never saw Anna again we believed that she has suffered the same fate as the firefighters. Roman and Anna called me “Mari.” Mari is finally settling down. We had become nomadic due to the tragic event. I am glad we had settled down although life seems empty without Anna, but Mari is by my side always comforting me. I often find Mari daydreaming next to the window as if she is waiting for Anna to come home, it breaks my heart. Life goes on and we will

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