Personal Narrative: Substance Abuse

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Growing up from 7th grade on, something was different with me. I was always anxious and depressed. I began staying home from school in 8th and 9th grade. I was struggling. Freshman year, things started to go downhill. Pushing away everyone who cared about me, had become second nature. My family situation was a mess. I began at a new school for my 10th grade year, and about 2 months in, I was bullied and slut-shamed so bad that I had to leave that school. I developed a substance abuse problem and was using daily. My life was in a burning trash can. One day, I got sent to rehab by my parents. I went to Sunrise Academy and turned my life around. Even though it took me a year and a half, I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for that day that I was

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