Personal Narrative-Strawberry Picking

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SNAP! One day I went on the worst strawberry picking trip EVER.
On the day before my adventurous trip, my mom said,”Let’s go strawberry picking.” My dad wasn’t going and my parents didn’t give me the option to stay home. Ugh!
The next day, once we got to the strawberry field my grandma (who had met us there because, my mom told her we were going strawberry picking) said,” let’s go to the back of the field where nobody has picked yet. On the way there I tripped over myself and fell on my leg. It was excruciatingly painful. My mom carried me back to the car ,let me sit in the front ,and prop my feet on the hard uncomfortable dashboard. I sat there for at least twenty minutes while my mom texted my grandma about what had happened.
After a little while my mom took me to a doctor’s office and they x-rayed my leg. It turned …show more content…

After that, I would scoot to the living room and watch tv or play games. Then, I’d eat lunch and then dinner, scoot back up the stairs, hop into bed and sleep.This went on for two months.
Finally, the day had came, I was going to the doctor’s office to get my cast switched for a waterproof cast. I would finally see my leg again after two months. I was so excited!
When they were taking it off they had to use a saw. It tickled against my skin. They put my new cast on I now didn't have to put a plastic bag over my leg to take a shower.
After two days, we went to a pool party. I still couldn't swim even without my cast so, I didn't get in the pool. I was sad. My mom said that she would get anything from the food tables though so, I didn't have to get up from the comfortable beach chair I sitting in.
After one more month of scooting around. I got my cast off. I was so happy! I finally could walk, jump, and ride my bike!
All I had to do was persist through it. This is important because, if nobody persists nothing will get done. Maybe everyone reading this should persist

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