Personal Narrative: Siblings

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As a kid and you have a sibling, your always going to have arguments and disagreements. This passage is based on a hard time when my sister and I both did something wrong but did not confess to it and neither did I at first. When I was around 8 years old, me and my sister a huge argument about us going somewhere(I don’t exactly remember the two places) and we both didn’t like where eachother wanted to go, so we were screaming throughout the whole entire house.This was not what we needed to be doing because as a kid, you always want something that your sibling doesn’t want to do. My parents were outside working on something in the garage when all of this was going down, so they were not able to hear us arguing and fighting. As we were arguing, my sister goes storming off to her room and starts to scream and that’s is when my parents heard the sound of the scream and came inside and see what happened. My parents heard my sister crying and knew that she as either very angry or upset so I knew they were going to talk to me first, but they wouldn’t be happy. My …show more content…

This made my parents mad and they went into my sisters room to talk to her and after that, I felt guilty about what I said and I told my parents the truth that it wasn’t all her fault and that it was my fault that we were screaming at eachother and my parents were still mad at me but

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