Personal Narrative: Shelters

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Shelters take in more bunnies than any other wildlife animal. If I had been able to save a bunny that was struggling to survive I would have been able to add to that statistic. I tried my best to keep the bunny with its family and safe, but I couldn't. Instead of letting it die and leaving it there, this day I tried my hardest to save an innocent animal, this was the day I was at my best. This was about three months ago, and it seemed like a normal saturday morning. I was sitting with my mom in our den at house. We were just chatting as we usually would every other morning. It was just us at home. She started explaining to me about how earlier that morning she heard an unusual sound. She stated it was a squeaking noise, like a mouse. I walked into the kitchen rummaged through my cabinets, grabbed some cereal and went back to relax in my den. As I was eating my breakfast a huge crow swept down in our yard. It was shoving its beak into our grass. It flew up in the air with something inside its mouth. I walked to our front door and as I laid my hand on the handle the crow took off in the air. I yanked the door open and the crow released what it had in its mouth right on the cement. As I sprinted over to the sidewalk I saw this little baby bunny struggling to …show more content…

She said that she didn't know what else to do to help it. So I took action and called the Humane Society and the Wildlife center. Neither of them did anything. All they said was to let nature take its course. All of the sudden I saw the crow circling the tree where the baby bunnies laid. It swooped back down into the yard, I rushed to the door and opened it and ran towards the crow to scare it off. Thankfully it flew away. Then I left the bunny alone for a while. Later that day I went to check on it. I saw that it had finally passed away. I knew there was nothing else that I could have done. I had known that I had done my

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