Personal Narrative: Romeo And Juliet

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I enter the room with Petruchio, and see Benvolio, Mercutio, and Romeo all talking. Benvolio chimed in “By my head, here come the Capulets.” Follow me closely, I’ll talk to them, I said to Petruchio. Good afternoon, gentlemen. I’d like to have a word with one of you. Mercutio wasn’t too thrilled, so he made a smirky comment. You’ll find me ready enough to do that, sir, if you give me a reason, I snapped back. “Could you not take some occasion without giving” Mercutio questioned. Mercutio, you hang out with Romeo! Mercutio and I bickered back and forth until Romeo entered the room. Well, may peace be with you. Here comes my man, the man I’m looking for. Romeo, there’s only one thing I can call you. You’re a villain. “ Tybalt, the reason that I have to love thee Doth much excuse the appertaining rage to such a greeting. …show more content…

Therefore, farewell. I see thou know’st me not” Romeo lectured. Boy, your words can’t excuse the harm you’ve done to me. So now turn and draw your sword. Romeo would not draw his sword to fight me, however, Mercutio was a different story. “O calm dishonourable, vile submission! Tybalt, you rat catcher, will you walk?” Mercutio drew his sword as I stated, What do you want from me Mercutio? “Good King of Cats, nothing but one of your nine lives, that I mean to make bold withal…” I’ll fight you, I said as I drew my sword. “Gentle Mercutio, put thy rapier up” said Romeo. “Come, sirm your passado” Yelled Mercutio. Next thing you know, me and Mercutio are fighting. “Draw, Benvolio. Beat down their weapons.” Romeo stated as he tried to break me and Mercutio up, but as soon as he reached for me, I went under his arm and stabbed Mercutio. “Away, Tybalt!” Petruchio shouted. Me and Petruchio darted off, but we weren’t finished with the Montages. A little while later I

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