Personal Narrative: Relay For Life

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In February of 2006, I began a journey that I never imagined myself taking. I was a single mother who was fighting stage 3 breast cancer. Do to the cancer, I found an interest in our local Relay for Life which I co-captained for our Bendix Team. Our local Relay was in June that year and I stayed at the track for 16 of the 18 hours where I celebrated with the other survivors and participated in all the events. To see other cancer survivors and hear their stories was uplifting to me.My family and I felt so much joy. My son celebrated with the other children at the track and we left Relay feelinghope for the first time since my diagnosis. As amazing as this experience was, it didn’t prepare me for what would become the most amazing day. After my first year with the Relay for Life, I felt I wanted to do more so I joined the Relay for Life …show more content…

But this essay and my most amazing day is concerning the Relay of 2009. That year, the number of survivors participating in our Relay had risen from 46 in 2006, to 95 in 2010. So, in a short time, I had helped with doubling the survivors attending. On this amazing day, I had prepared the plaque and the flowers for the nominee. I had the nomination ready. As I stepped on the stage, the chair of Relay took my microphone; she told me there had been a last-minute change. She started reading the nomination. I was completely surprised. It was my life story she was reading. I was overwhelmed that the award was coming to me. I started crying with joy. My family was watching also and they started crying with me. I couldn’t believe that Relay wished to honor me with this award. I floated from the stage to the start of the survivor lap. When I completed the lap, I asked my family to join me. I shared the flowers with them and we all cried together. For the rest of the Relay, the time flew by. I smiled so much my face hurt. I was hugged and hugged by so many people and I felt like I was walking on

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