Personal Narrative Of Becoming A Teenage Driver

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Ever since I was little, I dreamed about driving and becoming an adult. I was eager to be the one guiding the car, whipping it in and out of lanes, being not just an on-looker, but truly in control. When you’re a kid, you are very impatient and yearn to become an adult with tons of freedom and limited restrictions. That’s why getting a driver’s license and having my own car felt light years away. But to my surprise, each year went by faster than the last, and in the blink of an eye my sixteenth birthday had swiftly arrived. The morning of my sixteenth birthday I woke up with a feeling of excitement and a hint of dread due to the flashbacks I had from my previous birthday of when I took my permit test. This was back when I was particularly stubborn and didn’t feel the need to study for it. I insisted that it was all common sense. This logic soon proved me wrong when 20 minutes later tears were streaming down my beet red face as I stared at the monitor in disbelief. I then met my mom in the waiting room and looked at her with disappointment and embarrassment after having failed the test not once, but on both times. “That is not going to happen this time,” I reassured myself. I was determined to use that experience as a lesson. Almost everyday I would practice in my mom’s oversized green …show more content…

To my disbelief the instructor said “Go!, what are you doing? Go!” There was no time to debate, so I floored it and just made it through. From that moment forward I was a nervous wreck. My foot began trembling so badly, it could hardly grip the pedal. It got to the point where she had me pull over to calm down. After, I regained my composure, we eventually headed back to do parallel parking. To my surprise, I did well and parked it on my first try. The instructor told me and my mom the score which was a 72%. That’s still barely passing, but I wasn’t

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