Personal Narrative: My Weight Loss Journey

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I know it took some courage on your part to try out this 7-day meal plan and I wanted to personally say “thank you” for believing in me. Over the course of the next few days, you’ll have the opportunity to try out these recipes and finally start your weight loss journey. My hope is that you'll be thrilled with the resources I've gathered here for you so much that you'll continue to refer back to us in the future.

In addition to this book, you also have access to the 30-Day Beach Body Plan which you received through your email (along with the bonuses too). In terms of this book, I've laid out several new gifts for you that I was going to keep out but I am so excited to see you succeed I added them in any way.

Taking back your body requires a …show more content…

I hope you're excited to start! I know I am for you and I can't wait to teach you all the things I've learned from doing this myself.

Quick Note About Muscle Building

Some people have wondered if eating a lot of protein with make you "bulky." It doesn't. In fact, this diet isn't meant for gaining muscle. It's meant specifically for fat loss. It's the simplest way for most people to actually shave off 50-100lbs without doing a very restrictive diet like Paleo.

The good news is this diet is simpler than Paleo. The bad news is I've only included 7-Days of meals here for you. It's meant to get you thinking and on the right track. Following this diet, you can set yourself up for a longer brighter life by shredding the excess fat your carrying.

If you wanted increased muscle mass you'd have to essentially lift heavy weights and have a diet that is supportive of that goal. Most women aren't interested in that but there are plenty who wouldn't mind doing some minor physical exercise on top of their diet and so I've included this as part of the freebies to this 7-day meal plan.

Let's now get into the meat of the book and go over the building

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