Personal Narrative: My Trip To Ecuador

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In the summer of 2014 I found myself about to embark on an adventure to South America. Specifically I was to visit the country of Ecuador . My entire life I have always been fascinated with the different cultures that are prominent around the world. Finally I was about to get a taste of what life outside the united states was like.

Before I could begin to experience life in Ecuador I would first have to overcome the difficult task of riding on an airplane. Through out my life I never once had to ride an airplane, but if I wanted to experience the world I needed to overcome my fear.

Finally after 6 hours of driving to Miami my parent ,sister and I arrived at the airport. It was crowed and everyone was in a hurry and after about an hour of getting our tickets and going through security it was time to get on the plane. Once I was on the plane and we were soaring through the air I came to the realization that flying …show more content…

I had the experience of eating fresh papaya and it tasted delicious! After breakfast was over we were off to catch a bus that would transport us to the city Cuenca. On the bus I saw so many things. I was able to capture pictures of alpacas of the mountains different scenery and everything was so beautiful.

Once I reached the city of Cuenca you could just see how much history was stored up in one place. I was fascinated with everything that I saw , the children playing in the streets all the animals roaming free and the river that flowed so beautifully through the middle of the city I couldn’t wait to begin to explorer the place that was going to be my home for the next two weeks.

After I was all settled in it was time to have my first meal in Ecuador. So my family our friends who were staying with us and I grabber our umbrellas to shield us from the strong rays of sun and began to walk to the restrautn we were to eat at. Once we were there we sat down and ate. My oh my was everything

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