Personal Narrative: My Trampoline

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I was jumping on a trampoline at my house. It was over the summer right before the 4th of July. I was with my friend Jenny and my brother and sister where in the house. It was the second time Jenny had ever stayed the night at my house and my siblings were bugging me by yelling and screaming and asking a whole bunch of questions. Little did I know my day wouldn’t end as great as I wanted. Jenny was at my house and we went on the trampoline. When we were on there, and we were goofing off. I was babysitting my eleven-year-old brother and four-year-old sister. From outside, I heard yelling coming from inside the house. I tried to hurry down the slide to see what was going on. The slide was wet and I fell down it. There was a small pain in my foot but not bad so I tried to …show more content…

Then we went to the hospital at eight in the morning. We sat in the waiting room for a while then got called back to the all white room covered in machines and equipment. They asked me what happened and I explained then they said that they would take and x-ray. When they took me back to the room we waited for the results. The doctor came in and said, “Well, it's not bad but not good either.” My mom asked, “Is it broken?” She replied, “Yes, but it’s a minor fracture.” We had to go to Children's Hospital because they needed to see if I needed a cast. They told us that it was broken at the end of the long skinny bone in my leg. It was in the end of it right next to where my ankle is. The next day, the Children's Hospital called my Mom and said they wanted to see me in a week. A week later we made it to the Children’s Hospital and went to orthopedic or bone doctor. They told me that I would need a knee-high cast. They told me to pick a color for the cast, so I picked a baby blue color. They told me I would have to have it on for four or five weeks. Also, that I had a check up in four weeks to see how it

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