Personal Narrative: My Strength And Weaknesses As A Writer

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I have so many strength and weaknesses as a writer. Being able to write more and more in this class have helped me tremendously. I pick up on so much more errors that I use to make that I never noticed but someone else would. I naturally do not make the same mistakes that
I use to. I have cut down on my run-ons by so much. I use transition words way more smoothly. I would have to say the longer the essays became the more difficult things became. I loved the challenge, it made me work harder and put in the hours to complete every task put in front of me. I really loved writing my Personal Narrative Essay. I feel that out of all the essays I had to figure out a way not to write too much and try to keep it in the length required. I would have to say my least favorite essay was Point of View Essay. Mostly because I did not clearly understand the instructions, which I blame on myself. Which would make sense why that is the essay the I recieved my lowest grade in.
The lectures were a huge assistance every week. They covered the topic we were getting into every week very extensively for the most part. Sometimes the lecture notes even gave examples which was a great tool when trying to construct our essays. We knew what every paragraph had to consist of. …show more content…

I highly appreciated how when the class really got going we have adequate time to complete each paper. I felt that as a writer in this class I was never forced into a box. I was able to express myself, and put my own writing style in each paper. That made it easier and more enjoyable to write. None of the papers were too long which was very helpful since I am in the United States Army my time can be limited. The way the quizzes were set up I think they were perfect. I like how they were straight to the point on what we were working on in that specific unit. You always gave great feedback, I always used the your comments in one paper and put it towards my next paper to make it

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