Personal Narrative: My Sophomore Year Math Classroom

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The best teacher I ever had would always be prepared and want to be teaching us every day. She knew that her job was to teach us something new or at least help us learn. She would come to class each day excited to help her students become better at her subject. The teacher I had for my sophomore year math class was the absolute best. Ms. S taught in the best way possible when it comes to math. Stott was able to appeal to all forms of learning, like having things that are visual, verbal and hands on. She would allow us to pick how we wanted to do projects in the class and she would make sure all class activities were well-rounded. Furthermore, Ms. S was able to get me to work hard and understand math in her class. In many class past and after hers I still struggled with learning math. She helped me get her class and I was able to end with a great grade. That is how I knew she was a good teacher because I was able to get a good grade in a math class. Not only was she a great teacher inside the classroom but she was also able to act as a mother to some that needed that focus on them. She worked with us individually when it was needed and she was always happy to. Ms. S able to make all of her …show more content…

S, would have to be Mr. G, he is a great guy and coach but he just did not teach the way I had to learn. Some enjoyed his powerpoints from the book that he read word for word, but I needed more and was not able to learn from his method. He had us do projects that somewhat helped because they were hand on, but the majority of the class was based on the powerpoints that came with the textbook. He sometimes gave his own spin on things and went beyond the book, however, most of his lessons were from the book. He knew his stuff for AP Statistics, but he just did not seem to be involved in the class. Each day he seemed like he would have much rather been somewhere else and not teaching us. He was most of the time prepared but had those days that he was

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