Personal Narrative: My Mother's Death

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One experience that has been meaningful to me was my mother's death, this has taught me a great lesson in life. Which is to not take anything you get in life for granted. You never know what may happen, so enjoy everything while you can.

This started when I was young, me taking things for granted. I was one spoiled kid and I've never thought about how lucky I really was. I had a great family and we would go on cruise ships all the time, just to go out to travel. Even though I had this luxury many people could not get, I would always want more. My selfishness caused me to not want to share anything I have received, I just became a total brat. I have lost many good friends who were there when I needed them the most. This is one thing I will never again take for granted: friendship. I believe friendship is one of the greatest things in life, along with family. I did not know this at the time but once you have pushed someone away it is truly your fault. They are not going to sit there and beg to stay in your life for your sake, I know now to love, cherish every moment you have with someone. Once they are gone there is no turning back, you cannot bring them to life. Let them know how much you care before there is …show more content…

That is exactly how I felt when I lost my mom. One of the best human beings I will ever have the pleasure knowing. Not only was she my mother, but she was also my best friend. This is when I learned one of the most important lessons in life, to not take anything for granted. A friendship, family, or a life, maybe even just the little things. When I hear about others who get into an argument with their parents and how they cannot stand them, it breaks my heart. Stop with the irrelevant things and tell your parents how much you love them. I will never be able to tell my mother how much I care for her, which I have to live and deal with every day of my

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