Personal Narrative: My Life Changing In Mexico

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Life Changing

When I first arrived to Mexico, it was the most beautiful place I've ever been too. Everything was so amazing. The rivers were so clear and pure that it almost looks like a water slide. The schools were so much shorter. I felt like we barely learned anything under such little time. It was hard to maintain a good job since some jobs were so hard working and people would earn a little bit of money, with the money a person would make would barely complete to get food. We would have little opportunities in having a great career. But I can tell you one thing it's such a amazing place to live in order to be having fun you should have a vacation their! Both places are beautiful! Just amazing. I wish I could go back sometimes. …show more content…

My sisters and me actually had more time in school which it makes it better because we'd get educated better and we'd learn more. Here in United States its so much easier to earn money even though people do tough jobs they still get paid. Their so much difference here. It's like a whole different world. My family and me don’t have to go through the struggle looking for jobs. Which makes me feel horrible because I cant do anything about it.

In my opinion it's better both places, because their probably more worst places than here and Mexico. Everything is way cheaper than Mexico. You can always get a better career here and opportunities. Many people have reached their goal in life here when in Mexico it's possible but difficult. As long as I have my grades straight and great life can go easy the way I want it. You see lot of driving around here Mexico its all about walking. if you think about do may people com over here to have such a better life we don’t just come here to take up space or ruin people countries we all do it for the

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