Personal Narrative: My International Experience

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I was born to a Slovak mother and a Colombian father, who were both studying in Germany at the time. Shortly after, we moved to Brazil, which made my first language Portuguese, even though my father spoke to me in Spanish, my mother spoke to me in Slovak, and my parents to each other in German. Before I was two, we embarked on a new life in California. It was just my parents and I. Everyone else we knew was spread all over the world. So we made the world our home, traveling every summer to different countries, experiencing the beauty of cultures unlike ours. International experiences have exposed me to places, people, and situations that have instilled a sense of global awareness in me and have given me a desire to improve the world. When …show more content…

I daydreamed about beautiful pink dolphins leaping through the river like my mom had shown me, but when we got there, reality had no pink dolphins. In their place were piles of trash twice my height on the riverbank. But there was also one man picking up bags and bottles. Sure, there were countless pieces of trash, but he didn't care. He was going to clean up the river one piece at a time. I watched him from a distance, feeling the need to go help him. By the time I reached my junior year of highschool, I found a field that offered an answer to my questions: nanotechnology. Growing up in a world with limited resources, pollution, and disease has opened my eyes. I dream of a day where small robots to clean the human body, or an army of microscopic machines can tackle the immense task of freeing the ocean of trash. Solutions to the biggest challenges can be hard to find when looking for something huge. Yet if we look closer, the answers we are looking for might be the tiniest. I, too, may be small in the bigger scheme of things, but that won't stop me from chasing big dreams of a better world. It just means I too am going to keep overcoming challenges in my life and admire the little things in

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