Personal Narrative: My First Trip To Six Flags Great America

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I remember it like it was yesterday, my family took our first trip to Six Flags Great America. I was around seven years old and terrified by everything around me. The roller coasters were like brobdingnagian snakes that twisted throughout the entire park. My first rollercoaster changed my life forever. I was barely the required 48”, and my dad sat me down on American Eagle. Before the ride I was sobbing, yelling, and scared out of my mind. The lift hill had to be the longest moments of my life. We climbed up the 127’ slower than I thought possible, and then it happened. The car crested over the first hill, and the expression on my face couldn't have changed more. I went from a terrified and mortified child, to a boy who was on top of the world. The feeling of falling down the hill, then climbing up another and entering a helix and the some more …show more content…

I didn't think anything of it at first, but after a few meetings, I was sold. The environment, the people, and the fact that I get to build a 120lb robot was awesome! I put my heart and soul into it for two years. My first year, I was voted the MVP of the team and learned skills that no other club could offer. That first year was dedicated to learning to use many machines in a work environment. I learned how to use a CNC, an Epilog Helix Laser Engraver, basically every saw that we owned, and I also gained experience with many hand tools in the shop. Sophomore year began, and I became a student leader at robotics. I was the youngest leader there, most people started when they were juniors. I gained so much experience and so many valuable life skills that will help me throughout. I learned skills such as communication, and people management skills. This year was by far the most difficult in high school. I put so much time and dedication into robotics that I fell behind in school. By the end of the year I knew that I had to

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