Personal Narrative: My First Bar

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“Be loud and assertive!”, “be funny and sweet”, “be fast and professional!” So much advice was being thrown at me from different directions and there was shy little me, trying to make sense of it all. One would think I was getting prepared for a big speech or a big game. Really, I was just getting ready to serve my first table as a waitress. I always tried to stick with the easier jobs like retail or food concessions, but so much talk of good tips drew me in. So yeah, stepping out of my comfort zone was scary and stressful but going home with money in my pocket every night is a little bit exciting. On my first day at work at a new burger joint on 61st, I was super excited to start learning and working. First, I was shown around the restaurant. The utilities closet was in the back, to the left with the oddly shaped broom …show more content…

She worked a little bit different, but it was the same concept. Around six o’clock they said they were going to start giving me my own tables and no one was going to follow me. So I was going to be completely on my own. Of course I panicked for a good seven minutes. But I thought to myself, “I can do this, my mom did it, and my friend does it. I’m pretty and nice, just speak up.” I also forced myself to do it because my phone bill was coming due, and any tips I’d take home would be helpful. A minute or two later a couple walked in through the glass door looking happy and hungry. I knew that table was mine. I followed the couple to the table with wobbly knees and a sweaty back. I introduced myself. There was no joke. Nothing was funny about my current situation. I took the order and was on my way. I started getting more confidence with every smile I got. I praised myself for having the guts to do something I was so afraid of. With every table I had my communication skills became stronger. I was sort of content with my tips that night, but that only made me want to do

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