Personal Narrative: My Experience With Weed

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For the past week, I've been very interested in weed. I have started watching customgrow420's videos daily. His and xcodeh's videos are so awesome. I really want to try weed and get high. I did try with my brothers vape-pen, which was low at the time. When he was gone I was cleaning his room and I took maybe 8 to 10 hits of this stuff. After that colors were brighter,time felt slower and I just felt happy and super relaxed. So that was my experience with weed. I want to go futher and smoke a bowl or a blunt with that tobacco buzz. Most of brothers including my mom smoke. And 1 brother daniel, 3 years ago got my brother michael high when he was 14, the other brothers all started young maybe 12,13 and 14. So I turn 14 in 2 months yay.

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