Personal Narrative: Moving To Tennessee

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Not too long ago I had an uncle of mine who passed away in Nashville Tennessee. A day after my uncle’s death, my mom was notified through a phone call of the incident. After my mom decided to take charge of this situation, we heading to Tennessee to come across peaks and valleys. At first we were given help physically with transportation, then we got hurt emotionally by the people closest to us, And at last because some looked after us, a new faith healed us emotionally. Going through this experience with my mom, came to my attention that when someone needs to be cared for, you don’t just leave them, you help them out, because that is the logical thing to do. Nothing feels better than being able to have your own car to take you to places, instead of always depending on someone to take you around in theirs. But when it comes to driving a long distance, my mom gets frightened . I remember I was in my room with my ear to the door trying to decipher what my mom and her boyfriend were discussing about in the living room. There were murmurs, something about “don’t go to work”, “take us”, and “few days.” Then a deep voice came into distance “no”, “no”, “I can’t” then I heard heavy footsteps and a door slam hard. I figured out that meant her boyfriend wasn’t going to take us to Tennessee. I contemplated a bit and finally, it came to mind that the woman who lives two houses down always knows somebody, who knows somebody, that can help with …show more content…

In my case,there were people that cared for my mom and I, and they helped us with whatever they could, emotionally and physically. Without the support that we got from these people, I don’t know how my mom and I would have handled this. For some unknown good reason there are good people out there that will see your needs and do what they can to care for your

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