Personal Narrative: Moving Away

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My rosy pink, baby cheeks lay against the chilling cold window instantly cooling down my burning face. My dark, dull brown eyes stared blankly out into the gloomy blue sky. I saw autumn approaching fast with the multicolored leaves flying wherever the strong blowing wind decided to take them. I started recapping the goodbye’s I had to say to my friends, family and my childhood “boyfriend.” I grew an irritating anger towards my father, for, at the time, I was too young to fully understand; it was not his fault. After seeing my heated glare at him, my father promise me that we would never move again. He assumed that I would make friends in no time. I stubbornly said nothing in return, but I believed his promise. During the whole dreadful, boring …show more content…

I mentally glared at my guilty looking father while I just walked away from him, and went to my room. I knew now that it was his boss’s fault that we kept moving. So I sucked it up and waited the days until I have to say bye to the friends I made knowing I won’t ever talk to them again. When we were driving away from our old haunted looking home, I empty mindedly played with my DSI. I glared at my annoyingly nosy little brother that was hovering over my shoulder watching me play. After a while, I stuck my hand out and shoved his snot cover face away from me. I wasn’t in the mood of dealing with him, so I closed my DSI and stared out the pitch, black window staring out into the starless sky. I looked up at the brightly lit moon and got annoyed that it was following me. I began to wonder if I had a magic pull inside me that made the fluorescent moon follow me everywhere. I smiled at the thought, making me feel like I was special, thinking that I had this magical power. While staring at the moon, I soon started dreading being the new kid for the fourth time in my life. I started thinking about my old friends that I miss, and wonder if I should even bother making friends at this school if I was just going to be moving away. When we arrived at our new home, my dad promised me that this was the last we will move and I believed him. Yet again he broke that promise when we only stayed …show more content…

I felt a lump growing in my throat that I could not swallow down; I had a feeling what was about to happen. My father came home with a face filled with mixed emotions, but mostly topped off with dreadfulness and stress. He began rubbing his white baldhead wiping the sweat off repeatedly even when there was not any left. He began to get angry and nervous thinking about the words that are going to spill out of his mouth. He licked his thin chapped lips and said “My boss decided to fire everyone today including me so we have to move again.” At first I was angry that we had to move again especially since I grew so fond of this place. Instead of getting angry towards my father, I just hugged him. I could feel his big arms wrap around my small frame like a boa constrictor squeezing the life out of their prey. I knew my father would get a new job so I was not so worried about that. Although I was still worried about my father, and I knew he did not need me complaining about us moving again. I just stood there with a hot face and salty tears burning in my brown eyes, while my father eventually let go of me and apologize for once again not keeping his promise to me. I knew that my father did not take his promises to my brother and I as seriously as I did. So I just solemnly nodded my head and decided to go to my boring beige

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