Personal Narrative: Miss Missouri Teen USA Beauty Pageant

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My heart begins pounding and my hands feel shaky. I fix my hair, touch up my lipstick, and garner the tail of my gleaming, dense, dragging dress and prepare to take the stage. Suddenly, my name echoes through the thick theater air. Sporting five-inch heels and a tight dress, I saunter across the stage before hundreds of people and multiple state judges. Keeping my head high and my smile glowing, I gracefully take my first 30 seconds on stage. This was only one of the many gut-wrenching moments I experienced as a competitor in the Miss Missouri Teen USA beauty pageant. Throughout this journey, I gained not only memorable experiences but self-confidence and courage.

Immediately after being accepted last February as a 2017 Missouri Teen contestant, …show more content…

It took enormous amounts of confidence to walk across a stage in three completely different outfits wearing those heels, sucking my gut in, and keeping a smile glued to my face. This experience made my skin thicker and gave me the courage to try many new things. This didn’t only improve my confidence and communication skills but my self-love had expanded also. I met so many new friends and learned how to put on a smile even when times were emotional. Being interviewed individually took an entirely new step into being confident and knowing the correct things to say. I remember having a conversation with one of the seven judges who asked me, “How do you keep up with all of your school work, work, and extracurricular activities?” I responded with, “If I want something in life I will do my all to accomplish it.” She thought that was a really good way to have an outlook on things.

The following week back to school I received many questions such as, “Did you win?” “What happened?” “How did you do?” After hearing these questions for almost 3 weeks I continued to respond with elegance and positivity. I told those who asked that although I didn't come home with the crown it was an outstanding experience. This life-changing event helped me realize that it is not necessarily the outcome that determines what is taken from an experience, it's the worth of the experience, memories, and the personal lessons learned along the

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