Personal Narrative: Longer Running

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The sun beating down on my face with extreme heat is compared to the surface of the sun or hell, either way, it's hot. I was never really exceptional at running even now I still can’t do shorter runs I think longer runs are easier than shorter distances. Longer run are easier on me because I can mentally tell myself that “ I can do this,” “Don’t quit don’t quit it’s only mental.” I find what is really helpful when I do my runs, yet what really helps me during that time is the people there supporting me for what I am doing is for a reason which is to play games. Therefore help myself to be a better physicist. For the people that support me didn’t come into my life for a while. Just recently I started coming back into playing football in …show more content…

became my biggest motivator John would find anything that would helps you drive or makes you just more motivated to go faster my experiences with John was just similar to the movie Facing The Giants in the death crawl where one of the players Brock ready-made their next game as a lost his coach gave him hope, motivation which made him understand that he is a leader on the team, the players look up to him. John is similar to the coach in the movie, I'm Brock I am can to the understanding that I have a role to play in my team as big or small they always look up to the biggest Man. This leadership trait l was not really established until one practice where the team ran a mile this was a breaking moment into my life because when I stop to inhale as much air as I can into my lungs I was quitting I was saying to myself “I’m done that’s it” I alway told myself that I was not going to be that person, however there was nothing that I really could do I was done it felt similar being on fire it was hard to breath “there was no hope” I thought to myself this was true until John picked me throw me on my feet afterward pushed me forward yelling

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