Personal Narrative- Living a Life of Humility

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Personal Narrative- Living a Life of Humility

For the only thing we have to shame is shame itself. Perhaps the name of Amy Tan’s mother will never be remembered like that of FDR, but the truth behind her words rings just as loud. To be different is an aspect of human nature that we are to be proud of, regardless of whether it’s socially hip or socially degrading. To be proud of something is to consider it worthy of honor, and that’s precisely what we must do- honor our individuality by becoming who we really are.

The human necessity that is defining one’s self is simply the recognition and rejection of the masks placed upon one by the standards of this world. In its essence, to define is to refine. Just as a jeweler refines a precious stone, so I have refined the heart and soul of who I am. Yet, I cannot admit to accomplishing this feat alone. I don’t believe that human beings encompass the capacity to distinguish and discern ourselves without the help of outside influences. We genuinely learn in the midst of experiences. While some call it the hard way, I consider it the only way. And no piece of experience is deeper or more valuable than the transfusion of ideas, feelings, and emotions between two people.

September 13, 2003- I kissed my current girlfriend for the first time. Do I love her? Yes. Is it because I get to hug, kiss, and hold hands with her? Absolutely not. What does she have to do with who I am? Absolutely nothing. No, I’m kidding. But in all seriousness, the two of us have a very deep friendship, and I love her because I think she’s the greatest girl God created. The fact of the matter is that learning this “L-word” played a major part in becoming proud of who I am. You see, in time, I had learned to love...

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...n others’ opinions. The world we live in today suggests that fame is deemed a measure of success. But I know that humility is my ticket to becoming the person I want to be.

Here’s what I know: the Declaration of Independence asserts that we have the unalienable right to liberty, and the Bible states that we are set free and do not have to be burdened with the chains of slavery. Evidently, we are free, which means we are free to choose to be the unique person that God created in the first place. In Shooting an Elephant, Orwell realizes that despite imperialism and its evils, no British force can take the heart and soul of a person or people. In the same way, we don’t have to let the world control our personality. It’s up to us to choose what to do with that one and only “fine wine” that is each and every one of us. I say let’s open it up and enjoy a little bubbly.

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