Personal Narrative In The Workplace

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When you hear of someone who went to a highly competitive school, it’s expected that they are still highly competitive in the workforce. My father despite the motivation and skill, has been unable to work since 2006. Being incapable to do what he had been striving for in terms of work and his ability to provide for his family definitely has affected him. Currently my father is able to live at home, and is still mobile. When I was younger his health fluctuated, and there was a point where I rarely saw him outside of a hospital room. A flurry of tubes running from machines to him float through the memories of growing up. There were a solid 2 years when I only saw him asleep in his room with all the lights off, due to daily migraines. The silence seemed …show more content…

I didn’t want the good memories I had of him to be tainted by his sickness. The idea of us being close was unwanted when I was younger, it was precariously walking on a tightrope 100 ft up. It was staying in the path of a tornado, remaining on the beach during a tsunami. I knew I wasn’t prepared and would get hurt. When I thought about my life if he wasn't sick, I’d feel guilty. I was worried that he didn’t feel good enough, that his efforts to be involved him my life were futile. I felt like I shouldn’t get too close, because I knew eventually I would fall off the tightrope, I would get caught up in the tornado, and I would be drowned in the tsunami. By the time I was in 8th grade, my father’s health had improved enough to offer some sort of stability. I discovered how similar we are, and how much of his personality was ingrained in mine. Finally I felt like I could get to know him, and all the effort he put in with the hope of providing support for my family. Although his plans didn’t work out, he still managed to do everything he could to raise us. His efforts weren’t completely lost within the blur of my childhood, and my wanting to know him outweighs my fear of losing

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