Personal Narrative: I Love Tennis

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As I quietly sat there in the patient’s chair, my heart was being ripped out and torn to shreds. “You can’t play tennis anymore. The condition you have can cause irreversible damage that could result in anything from extreme pain to paralysis to even death.” My doctor told me I had scoliosis, a curvature of the spine, and basically told me I had to give up my favorite sport if I wanted to live. But how could I live without tennis? Tennis was the only sport I played, the only sport I actually enjoyed, the only place I could go to escape my schoolwork and enjoy my life. What was I going to do?

I didn’t want to quit tennis. I had played it since I was six years old. I put my blood, sweat, and tears into improving my game. I had won countless trophies from tournaments and I didn’t want to just let all that disappear into irrelevance. But what could I do? The doctor said I could die if I continued putting pressure on my spine. Even if I didn’t want to give up tennis, I definitely didn’t want to die. Scared and confused, I turned to the only person I could trust, my coach. …show more content…

Apparently he was diagnosed with scoliosis too when he was my age, but as it turned out, there was nothing wrong with him at all. Instead of sulking at the news that he couldn’t play tennis, he rebelled and played it even more. He practiced more, and he played tournaments more, but most importantly, he went to the gym more. He focused on strengthening his weaknesses, his back and lower body, so that the muscles would be less inclined to

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