Personal Narrative-Humorous Wedding

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Totally off topic (again) but I did write a poem once for a wedding our family was invited to, when I was just five years old. I still remember it today. I memorized it even. Here it goes; “Roses are red, Violets are blue, and peanut butter is brown”. And after the public recitation at the wedding reception, I smiled and sat down to great applause. So here I was holding Sonja’s hand like it was the only one I’ve ever seen, standing together on the balcony of the Banff Springs Hotel in the middle of the Canadian Rockie Mountains, God’s country. For my international friends reading this today, you may doubt if Canada really is God’s country, if so then you probably haven’t read your entire Bible yet. We all agree God lives in heaven and it says in Isaiah 14:13 “heaven… is in the far reaches of the North.” It really says that. The sunlit, scenic splendour was a sight. The majestic snow capped mountains to the fore, the rapid river run to the left of us, the whispering hunter green pines on our right all of it framing the picturesque and perfect moment. The moment I proposed the will you marry me question with the hopes of receiving the desired answer from her when suddenly she said, “Hey look deer”. The yes came in …show more content…

I really had little clue what my wedding day to Sonja would look like, she masterfully planned most everything. I took care of the music and the minister, she managed everything else. But I could imagine it. My bride will light down the church aisle like an angelic 5’6” promise to my heart. Her smile more radiant then a summer sun. Her eyes are the only Christmas lights that are worthy to shine year round. Her soul shining through the windows of her eyes, glowing luminescent love. You see I imagine the kindest person in the world, finding her way to my side and I stop breathing, literally, until my life-long best-man signals a soft “breathe bro breathe” as he did that sunny, September

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