Personal Narrative: How My Son Has Changed My Life

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During the commencement of 2004, I gave birth to my first child, and , the birth of my son has changed my life for the better. Just the thought of being in the hospital to deliver my child was overwhelming at the time. The Nurses that were on shift anticipated my needs, they spoke with compassion and empathy. They and the aids advocated for me and listened to my concerns.I felt uniquely supported at this turning point in my life, and under their guidance I had faith all would go well. The warmth I felt from the staff at the hospital filled my heart with contentment. I was no longer anxious and could give my undivided attention to my new son because I was in good hands. This compassion and empathy I felt from strangers was quite different …show more content…

I became a confidant for a couple of my coworkers during their difficult times. I helped them find resources, attended appointments with them to offer emotional support. As I provided these women extra support in a manner where they knew they were not going to be judged, my heart filled with joy. I found myself doing more listening and self-reflection and came to . I realized their perception does not have to match anyone else’s opinion of a difficult situation because their feelings and emotions were just that “their emotions” which they are entitled to. I realized that you can have two similar individuals going through the same situation and they could interpret their situation completely differently, and that is their right. It was then that I came to understand that some people need someone to hold their hand through tough times and that person doesn’t have to be a family member or a close friend. I thought to myself, I have many trusting relationships in which I can confide in, but this is not always the case for others. I felt I could truly serve my purpose by making their situation easier to manage through advocacy and offering additional support It’s through these experiences that I feel complete. It’s been a total of eleven years since I started to search for the career that fits my personality, and after two years of the Social Work program my desire to help individuals and provide support is still as strong as the day I started the

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