Personal Narrative: How Music Has Shaped My Life

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We all have our favorite genera of music, one that we believe has shaped us. For me, my musical experience began while still in the womb. While I was still a fetus, my mother would play classical music for me every day. I believe that this experience has shaped the type of music that I listen to today. When I was a child, I remember having music playing but simply as background noise. As I grew up, music became more important to me. When I entered fourth grade, music becomes something more than background noise to me. To further indulge in my love for music, in fifth grade, I joined the chorus and band. I thought that since I enjoyed listening to music, I would also enjoy making music. Being a part of the chorus was short lived for me. I sang with them for about three months and then decided it was not for me. However, the same was not true …show more content…

This decision had to have been one of the best one I had ever made. My love for music re-appeared and my classical taste began to return, however, it was in the form of pop music. I would use music as my outlet. When I needed to write an essay, I would turn on my music. When I needed to relax, I would turn on music. I never really veered outside of the genera of pop and classical music, though. My mom and sister would try and get me to listen to rock music and I would simply walk out of the room. For me, I do not appreciate any of the musical styles used in rock. I believe that my taste in music is tied to what my mom played for me before I was born. Pop and classical music share so much in common, or at least the songs that I listen to do. I love listening to calming classical or pop music. Currently, my favorite song is Sam Smith’s “Too Good at Goodbyes”. My favorite classical song is Beethoven’s Symphony No. 9. When I listen to the composition of this symphony, I feel like I should be taking a walk through a forest and to me, it is very

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