Personal Narrative: How Does One Accept Rejection

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How does one accept rejection? The thing you wanted the most, you do not get. You have worked so hard over all of the years and you were still not good enough to get the one thing you worked for. The sound of the word, re-ject-tion, skin crawling, high anxiety. Rejection is one thing many people fear. Until it finally comes. Everything changes. All of the plans you made quickly vanish. Steady panic, heaving breathing, small acceptation. A time I faced failure was not getting into Washu, I learned a lot from this experience and it changed a lot of my college plans for the better. Having a dream university is a difficult thing. You have your eyes on it and just it. It causes one to have zero interest in any other school. Mine was Washington …show more content…

Applying to an ivy league school, such as Washington University, requires the common application, which has a big essay that one has to attach to their application. Writing this big piece was the biggest challenge for me, I decided to write about my parents situation in the United States and how they migrated here from Mexico when I was five years old. Explaining how your life is different while yet so many people’s families have done the same thing as yours is a difficult task. I re-wrote my essay seven times before I attached it to my applications. When I sent my application to Washington University I also sent the exact application to about 12 other schools, I got admitted to 10 of those while one still has not got back to me. I was really confident in getting in and was sure I would be apart of WashU’s graduating class of 2021. On December 9th, 2016 I opened my email to find that I was rejected into my dream university, I truly did not know how to react. For the most part I was not upset, which shook me. A little part of me was upset but I instantly felt like I did not get into that school for a reason. It changed all of my plans, on staying close to home, the financial needs for college, my thoughts on my major. Nothing more could have

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