Personal Narrative: Goldfish Or Fruit Roll Up

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As I was in the car all I was thinking of if I was going to eat goldfish or fruit roll ups. Since I was in the morning group we only went up to 12:00 then we got to leave. My mom came out the car and stayed with since all students and parents had to wait till the teachers came to pick us up. The lobby always smelled like cinnamon candles. My teacher finally came and we said bye to our parents and gave them kisses. As we were walking down the hallway I paid more attention to the classroom numbers. On that day I figured out that our room number was 10. I thought that since our room number was 10 we were all 10 years old. It was snacktime and I lost my appetite. For snack time we had goldfish and orange juice, since my appetite was gone I didn’t

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