Personal Narrative: Everyone Has Increased Literacy Rate

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Could you imagine what your daily life would be like if you were unable to read and write? How difficult would it be to try to apply for a job it you could not fill out a simple job application? For some, this is a reality that is crippling. In today’s world the illiteracy rate is much higher than it ought to be.

Ever since I was first learning to talk my mom was having me sound things out. When I started my phonics I began to put letters and sounds together and make words. I learned that there were building block letter combinations that when put together make complete words. One of the ways that I learned them was by using flashcards to familiarize and memorize the sounds and then eventually words. Sounds like “ough” made me confused when …show more content…

You could almost say that it is in my blood to read. (My parents have never been big into reading, but it seemed like my grandparents continuously had some type of book in their hands.) Although I appreciate literature I often find that I no longer have time to read for pleasure anymore. Work, school, and general life has encompassed my time so much that I feel as if I will miss deadlines if I stop for a moment just to read. Reading has become something that I do only if it is required. I long for the chance to really read again just to be able to get away and become a part of that …show more content…

I have enjoyed going back and reading my old journals and seeing how I thought and spoke when I was much younger.

While I have many fond memories of reading I also have a couple that I really have loathed - Silas Marner and The Scarlet Letter. The writing style and narration confused me personally, and I was not able to completely follow the plot of these books. Books like these do not appeal to me because when I cannot follow a story I see no point in reading it. On a high note to my reading experiences, I have thoroughly enjoyed a great deal of exciting and gripping books. Titles such as: The Hatchet, The Hunger Games series, the Narnia series, The Eleventh Plague, and many many more books and novels. Many of the books I enjoy are first person views that allow me to walk in the character’s shoes and mentally picture what they are going through. Lately I have been reading Christian non-fiction books to help improve my faith and my Christian walk. One of the great titles I have read is Not a Fan which tells how to be a follower rather than a fan[atic] of

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