Personal Narrative Essay: The First Day Of Eve

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October 24th 1995, It was a brisk autumn day; the trees had just began changing colors, the once crisp navy green leaves had turned into burnt orange, candy apple red leaves that were fluttering from the trees. The neighbor’s yards were decorated with shinny plastic skeletons and fearsome ghosts made out of sheets ready to startle the trick or treaters that would be wandering the streets for Halloween. For everyone around the neighborhood it was a normal autumn day, however for my mother and I it was not. This was not only the day that the day that I was born but they day that I began to find out who I really was. In a small town Indian hospital I began my journey in this crazy thing called life. Let’s fast forward to Kindergarten. Kindergarten was bittersweet for me. I found leisure in staying home enjoying peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, apple …show more content…

My mother assured me that everything was going to be alright and that I needed to be brave and stay there for a few hours and make new friends. The first few hours were the roughest, 10 4 year olds all sitting in a circle and telling the class what their favorite color and snack was. It was almost my turn and all of the sudden I realized that someone else had the same favorite color as me… I was terrified because it was my first time being away from my mother and I didn’t want to disappoint her and not make friends. I wanted to be brave and tell the class my favorite color but I didn’t want to copy someone else’s. All of the sudden fear began to set in. It was almost my turn and I had to think quickly. By the time it was my turn to speak I yelled “I LOVE THE WHOLE RAINBOW AND ALL OF THE COLORS” every one agreed and then started to say they loved the rainbow as well. As a child this made me very proud and accomplished because I made new friends like mother wanted and it gave me the feeling that I fit

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