Personal Narrative Essay: My Desire For Seattle

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My Desire for Seattle
Mom, dad I want to go to Seattle. I know you have heard me a bunch of times says this and you just look at me with confused eyes and say “Why, Seattle? Why do you want to go there?” And I always answer the same.“I don’t know.” I just know that I want to go there. There isn’t a specific reason only the desire to go there. I can’t tell you why I want to go there, but I can tell you where my desires for this city started. First when I heard the word Seattle for the first time, second from a T.V show called Frasier and the movie Sleepless in Seattle and last was why nobody else that I know wants to go there everybody wants to go to other citys but not Seattle this makes me desire to go there more.
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I started to watch a T.V show called Fraiser it was a little to grown up for me, but I just watched because it was set in Seattle. I was facinated because even though it was fake and I knew they were all acting. I was seen somebody or some people living in Seattle. Every time I saw that show I felt a little close to that city that for some reason for it me sounds like a glamorous and calm place to live. I was over the moon when I saw Fraiser. I still watch it sometimes when it’s been repeated on some channels. It makes me go back to my desire to go to this city.. Another thing that set my mind on Seattle was the romantic movie Sleepless in Seattle. Seeing Tom Hanks living in a boathouse in Seattle and it show a little about the city just made me good there more. And it makes me want to go there more everyday. As you can see mom and dad this desire for that city that semis so far away always follows me.
During high school all of my frinds and classmates wanted to go to the big city or best know like New York, Chicago, L.A or Miami instead I always would blurt out why not Seattle. And they would look at me with the same confuse eyes like you guys. Look at me when I say the same thing. Some would give the direct cut and tell me that it didn’t sounded as glamourse as the ones mention above. Others would tell me go there if you want to but I don’t think you are going to like it. At the end all their opinions and comments didn’t dull my dream of going there instead it has made me want to go there

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