Leadership: A Role of Integrity and Responsibility

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Leadership and Responsibility If you want to lead me You'd better find a better way 'Cause your life is speaking so loud I can't hear a single word you say. Anyone who has talked to me about leadership has mentioned that you are not a leader unless someone is following you. This is true, but implies more than what is seen at first glance, that if someone is following you, you are a leader whether you like it or not. And with leadership comes responsibility, a lot of responsibility. To be truthful, I do not always like to have responsibility or have to worry about what others see when they watch me. Being a leader requires that I keep my integrity. In my work as a camp counselor this past summer, I found that campers looked up to me when they knew that I was one of the people in charge. I had to make sure I did not abuse my power or freedom as a worker. I had to lead by example, the best way to lead. If trash needed to be picked up off of our dorm room, simply asking my campers to clean it up would not go over well. I needed to get down on the floor with them and start the process, show them that I was not above them but that I was willing to do more than just give the commands. I found that I commanded a lot more respect when I joined them. Leading from above is not as effective as leading them on their level by example. Actions must line up with words.

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