Personal Narrative Essay: I Want To Start A Race

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As my tense muscles spring into action, the race starts with hordes of people crowded around cheering. But you don’t notice all the people as you start a race, when you start a race all you can think is……. “This is gonna suck”. And why wouldn’t it? Most people when they start a race, that’s what goes through their head along with how much they wish they weren't doing this. This has to be true for all but the varsity runners who are looking to win. But for junior varsity runners it was “I just don’t want to throw up at the finnish”. That was my mentality going into every race, but when you got to the end every time it was an feeling of accomplishment. When I started high school I was more nervous than one can even imagine, even if I looked ready for school on the outside I …show more content…

I would sing this in my head the whole race and that kept me going. I don’t know why this started but ever sense then when i'm tired and don't think I can go on I just humm that song and it helps just enough where i don't walk.
I ended up sticking with the public school and cross country for those four years enjoying them more than one would admit. I soon enough came to senior year and all I wanted to do was leave though. I wanted to go to college, try some new things out and meet new people. All I had to do was finish this year up and it would be behind me.
As I started my last year in cross country, I was ready for it to be over as soon as it started. Soon enough I was finally at my last race. This is the end, what I have been running for all these years, the final finish line. As we lined up all the familiar feelings started coming back, nervousness, dread, anticipation, but this time there was also

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